I recently came across these gluten-free Think Green "health bars" or energy bars while shopping at Whole Foods Market, and decided to give them a try. I was nearly scared off by the ingredients, which include an interesting list of dehydrated vegetable powders that are labeled a "Superfood" by the manufacturer - like broccoli and more. They do have a bit of a "green" taste that is rather unique, but certainly not bad. In fact, that green stuff is growing on me!
The same company makes another set of gluten-free bars in a Think Thin line - which is a higher-protein blend (mainly soy protein) - that I recently found at Trader Joe's. I have grown rather fond of the Peanut Butter varieties and the chocolate varieties - who would have guessed, given my love of chocolate!?
Both of these product-lines are gluten-free (*except the "S’mores" Think Thin variety) and have no added sugar, though they will taste plenty sweet with sugar-alcohols being used instead, which result in very low net-carb levels. They are vitamin fortified, and the Think Green bars are definitely high in antioxidants too. The company markets the Think Green bars as even being a cholesterol lowering product, and the Think Thin bars as a diabetic-approved product.
What started out as an experimental purchase for me has now become my principal gluten-free energy-bar / snack-bar to keep on hand when out for a bike ride or a day trip. I keep a couple handy in the car and in my notebook computer case now too, just in case I find myself out away from my normal gluten-free foods for long enough to become hungry and find myself in need of a "safe" snack food. I also, if I know I'll be out for a while working or something, tend to pack some other "super foods" like fresh carrots, apples, and mixed nuts too - but the option of a wheat-free / gluten-free all-in-one bar is always nice too.
You can purchase the bars on the company's web site for approximately the same price as retail stores offer the bars for, though you'll have to pay shipping charges of course. Either way, if you don't have a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's around, this option will surely come in handy. The prices seem to currently be $1.50/bar online, sold in 15-packs for $22.50. I think that makes them quite competitive with other options like the Larabar products and the like.
I definitely give these gluten-free diet / snack bars a big "thumbs up" rating, though you may find them to be a bit different (especially the Think Green bars like the chocolate-peanut-butter, where I notice the "green" as much as the chocolate and peanut butter - and, it's quite sweet tasting too).
Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.