Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No Gluten or Dairy Pumpernickel Bread Recipe

Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pumpernickel Bread

Pumpernickel Bread: Full of Flavor and Gluten-Free with this Recipe

The Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Pumpernickel Bread Recipe is now available at our Glutenfree recipe library! I had promised this recipe a few days ago, and it seemed I had a few people getting a bit anxious for it, so there is the link to it. I described this recipe in my previous post where I showed it in use as a gluten-free pumpernickel sandwich bread. It works great for this, since it has a nice hearty crust and a soft spongy center, all infused with plenty of pumpernickel bread flavor.

Complementary Dill / Spinach Dip Recipe

In addition, I posted a recipe for a simple and versatile dill and/or spinach dip recipe. I don't know about you, but spinach-dip served with cubed pumpernickel has been rather popular at parties - both around the holidays and any other time of the year. Many people carve the center out of the loaf of pumpernickel bread, and fill the bread with the dip... using the carved out portion to form the cubes of bread for dipping. This glutenfree pumpernickel will work fine for that, since it is made in a round pyrex 2-liter dish, and achieves a height of about 4 inches when baked. So, plenty of volume for holding dip. Personally, I prefer keeping the dip in a separate bowl so as not to cause the remaining pumpernickle loaf (the part of the loaf you are using for a "bowl") to become soggy. This goes for bread with or without gluten. Why waste any great GF bread to sogginess?

Here's a picture of the dip with some cubed-pumpernickel bread - all glutenfree of course.
GF Pumpernickel Bread with Dill Dip
Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. Hi - I'm the 'anon' poster from before, who's been stalking your site anxiously awaiting the recipe.

    Thank you so much for posting - I'm off to get the ingredients together right now. Can't wait to bite into this!

  2. Hi "anonymous"... I sure hope you enjoy the bread. I have gone through a couple loaves already. My first loaf took a beating from chopping it up for the photos and all, plus my parents stopped by and took a nice chunk out of it too.

    After it cools completely, it is probably good to place it in a zip-lock depending on the humidity in your house. Winter (low) humidity here causes breads to dry out if not kept sealed right now.


  3. holy cow that looks amazing! I can't wait to try it!! Thanks for the recipe. I wish I could take the day off work and go home to bake this immediately.

  4. I love the enthusiasm you express Gaile. Hopefully you can wait out the work-day. :) And, be patient with your yeast and give it time to rise properly. Enjoy!

  5. Oh Mike!!

    We are having a (second) office party on Friday and I vetoed ordering the Pumpernickel Bread and dip. Now, thanks to the recipe you posted today, they will be grateful I did :)

  6. My wife just read the comments everyone is posting, and she is so pleased her recipes hold promise for all of you. I hope all your baking experiences are wonderful!

  7. Wonderful recipe - I made it on Friday night (and followed it with the pumpkin cake and corn bread stuffing) and it was excellent. Thanks!

  8. Anonymous, it sure sounds like you have been busy baking! I'm quite glad everything worked out well for you. Stay tuned for more recipes in the coming year. I have some new breads and more on the way as soon as I get back to the glutenfree blog in 2007.
