Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gluten-Free Indian Cuisine - fast and simple

I recently decided to try some Gluten-Free Indian Cuisine that is about as fast and simple as it gets : it comes in a can, just like Campbell's Soup or Progresso, or any other mainstream soup, and can be cooked (stovetop or microwave) on a whim. I generally avoid canned soups and the like, but this Jyoti Natural Foods Madras Sambar (Lentils with Fresh Vegetables) was quite pleasing and clearly labeled Gluten-Free.

I may not be an "expert" on Indian Food, but I really thought the product tasted like what good Indian lentils and vegetables should, and I really enjoyed the flavors from the onion, bell pepper, eggplant, carrots, tomato, tamarind, coconut, and spices that Jyoti has blended with the lentils. I found it to be a robust flavor, but not overpowering, and just spicy enough to not be overwhelming either. The soup was as good as some I have had served at some Indian restaurants, and for a much lower price.

This "soup" is actually designed to serve dual purposes: you can add just 1/2 can of water for a thicker, somewhat Indian-dal style dish, or add a full can of water for a nice flavorful gluten-free Indian lentil soup. You can definitely serve this over rice if you want, as it will make for an easy more filling extension if you want to add some carbs :)

My photo is not the best, but I was putting the soup to good use for a quick lunch the other day, and the photo was a last minute item. I think the picture at least shows what the soup-version looks like when mixed up and microwaved in just a couple minutes total. There are a few other varieties available that are also wheat-free and gluten-free (and vegan / meat-free / dairy-free too), and now that this one has passed my taste-test, I plan to try some others. Enjoy!


  1. I also had a lentil dish recently. Arabic rice and lentils with spinach and onions. Not bad. I'm going to make lentil soup with the rest of the lentils. Looking foward to it!

  2. i find the site very informative,going gluten free soon .thanxs for all
