Thursday, February 12, 2009

Buckwheat Chocolate-Chip Cookies Recipe : Gluten-Free

Gluten-Free Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Gluten-Free Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gluten-Free Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies (link to recipe). The age old classic cookie - chocolate chip cookies - with a focus on gluten-free buckwheat flour as a core ingredient, producing a crispy, crunchy, tasty treat! These are dairy-free cookies as well (though, easy variations exist that use butter if you like).

My mother created these cookies for a simple-to-make gluten-free version of the classic "Tollhouse" chocolate chip cookies. They were delightful, and had plenty of crunchy appeal, reminding me of the traditional Toll House chocolate chip cookie they were meant to mimic.

She used a lighter variety of buckwheat in these, which keeps the flavor of the buckwheat from becoming too overpowering. If you absolutely do not care for buckwheat, this probably is not the recipe for you -- the flavor is mild, but still discernible.

We all use the certified gluten-free buckwheat flour from Birkett Mills (link to their site), which is of a very nice quality. I actually find Birkett's web site a bit hard to navigate (it is not intuitively organized), so I pulled the following product description from Birkett's web site.
Pocono Buckwheat Flour
100% pure stone ground buckwheat flour. USDA Certified Organic. All natural, no additives or preservatives. Total weight: 2 lbs. ea. Shipping: UPS Ground; Cost: $4.95 + S/H [as of when I posted this -- 2/15/2018]

The cookies I had a chance to consume (that my mother baked) were also using a mix of Splenda (brand sweetener) and regular sugars for a slight reduction in carbs, and they were just fine. As simple as they are to make, these gluten-free cookies will come in handy when you need a crunchy cookie without a long wait.

Mom was quite happy to share her recipe with others, and I thank her for yet another contribution to the gluten-free recipes library (see desserts section for this particular recipe). I hope others enjoy the cookies as much as I did - they really hit the spot for me.

Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. I love buckwheat flour and I love cookies. This sounds like a great idea! I'll have to give it a try.

  2. These sound fantastic!!! I have not used buckwheat flour in cookies yet -- will definitely have to give it a try! YUM :)

  3. Those look and sound amazing Mike, yum!

  4. MUST try these mike! they look wonderful and I have to open that bag of buckwheat flour SOMETIME! ;-)

  5. Those look terrific! I've made buckwheat chocolate chip cookies and buckwheat pancakes and they both turned out great. One friend uses buckwheat flour from Birkett Mills as her main GF flour.


  6. Wow!! This buckwheat chocolate chip cookies looks so beautiful with the colors, I'm sure it'll be a big hit with the kids! Nice colors! Although I'm to a big fan of chocolate chip cookies, this sure looks yummy! I'm normally the one that will say no to chocolate chip cookies. thank you for shearing your post.

  7. I'm not sure if you actually took the picture that accompanies this recipe, but I followed the recipe to the "T" incl. finely-ground walnuts, and these spread completely flat, ran together, and I had to slightly overcook to keep them from falling apart.

    Since I only had made 2 sheets of cookies, I realized what this recipe is missing - XANTHUM GUM! I added 1/2 tsp, which follows my standard guide of 1/4 tsp per cup of flour for cookies. They held together beautifully after this, and I was able to pull cookies out after 11 minutes. Fwiw, I was using double-walled insulated cookie sheets.

    I took a photo of the difference in cookies, but I haven't uploaded it yet. I will later, and I'll post the link to it for folks. Cookies are crisp and taste great! Thanks!

  8. Atomic Girl,

    Yes, absolutely, the photo in this blog posting is of the cookies baked EXACTLY PER RECIPE like all the photos of ALL OUR RECIPES. WE ALWAYS post pictures of exactly what we bake using the same recipes we publish (whether in our book, or on our blog).

    And, anyone that follows our blog and book knows that we NEVER use gums in any of the recipes in our book (we have only used in a few bread recipes posted online), as gums bother my system in a bad way, and have not been needed. Again, the gum-free recipes are completely intentional and another trademark of our recipes in general, but they do not affect the result like you have described or we would not have published a recipe.

    Now, that all being said, I will take your word that you baked these cookies exactly per the recipe and had some problems with them that adding gums seemed to "solve". There could be some variation in the flour-grinds used, oven temperature calibration, or something that I have no way to account for without knowing exactly what variables were at work here... but, on the other hand, I know the recipe worked perfectly as published and created the exact cookies this blog photo shows, so, got me. All I can do is hope that any future gluten-free baking you do, whether using our recipes or others, goes well. regards.

    Thanks for commenting, and enjoy the cookies that you have modified... they sound yummy, especially as I type this response with a late-night snack urge coursing through me! :)

  9. Do you think I could replace the brown rice flour with white rice flour? My acupunturist told me to eat white rice instead of brown since I have a hard time digesting brown...

  10. Kei,
    I would expect that substitution to work, though it will have a slight impact on taste/texture. I have not tried it. Best thing to do is experiment -- perhaps cut the recipe down to a 1/2 or 1/4 batch and give it a shot. Good luck, and hope it works!
