Monday, June 30, 2008

Gluten-Free Papadums

Delicious Gluten-Free Papadums

If you have not yet tried a Papadum, perhaps it is time to check out these wonderful gluten-free snacks - a crispy and crunchy Indian style snack typically made from bean flours (like lentils, chick peas, gram beans, or fava beans). Not all papadums are gluten-free though, especially due to seasonings, spices, and flavorings that may be added to a particular recipe.

These Baji's brand Papadums (pictured above) were available at Whole Foods Market recently in the snacks and chips aisle. They vary a bit from traditional larger round/flat cracker or flatbread types, but are plenty crispy and delicious. Each little papadum chip is about 2 inches in diameter. After checking the company's website, I found that only *some* of their papadums are gluten-free, so be warned. These Tangy Cilantro ones were gluten-free, as are their Mango Chutney and Traditional Tandoori ones (warning: their Creamy Yogurt Dill variety contains wheat in the flavoring).

I first discovered Papadums when I was in the United Kingdom (UK) last year. The gluten-free ones I found there were a few inches in diameter, and more flat and crunchy, and definitely more of what you would call a traditional Indian Papadum. These Baji's brand gluten-free snacks are crunchy and crispy, just not quite as hard or coarse as what I had in the UK. But, I enjoy both interpretations of what a papadum should be.

I prefer the papadums that have a bit of added spice, like this variety. Chili, Cilantro, Garlic, Coriander, Turmeric, Green Bell Pepper, Onion: all these wonderful flavors come together for a slight "zip" and a lot of flavor. I could have done without the small bit of Sour Cream Powder, which of course turns an otherwise dairy-free snack into one with traces of dairy, though the addition makes the flavor somewhat like a sour-cream-and-onion type accent, but with a bit more robust combination of complementary flavors.

So, the bottom line is that I definitely recommend this product. I welcome anything new, flavorful, crunchy, and easy-to-serve into my snack repertoire. What I should really learn to do next is make my own gluten-free papadums at home, though I would need to first aquire some of the bean flours most commonly used, and make sure they are certified gluten-free. I could always perhaps just grind some lentil beans into flour. One more thing to add to my every-expanding "to-do" list.

Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. Hi Mike,
    I know this is off subject, but there is a gluten free teriyaki sauce you should try, Seal Sama Teriyaki Gluten Free Teriyaki Sauce. I bought it at Weber's Natural Foods 18400 euclid ave in Cleveland. This sauce is amazing, and all natural.


  2. Ray, thanks, I'll look for it. I currently use San-J Tamari (wheat-free soy sauce) in its reduced-sodium variety. But, I am always open to new product.

  3. Papadums are new to me. I'll check out my local Whole Foods. Looks like a good snack and bean flour is healthier than plain old white rice flour. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I just had an endoscopy to try to find out why I'm so anemic. One possibility is that I have trouble with gluten all these years and never knew it. Has anyone else heard of this?

  5. anonymous,
    I went through all of that. I was anemic. And, for a *male*, the first thing they check for first is colon-cancer. That's always a less than fun thought to have on your brain! So, after that was ruled out, and a few other things... gee, I discovered Celiac and found out how it screws up vitamin/mineral (nutrient) absorption.

    So, yes, Celiac Disease can *definitely* cause iron-deficiency anemia. Also could cause B12 anemia. Hopefully you figure out what the problem is - good luck!

  6. Sharwoods do a GF Poppadom whih you 'microwave' yourself. I always serve it when I am making an Indian Curry.

  7. Never heard of them...I love all things beans so I will check them out. THANKS, MIKE!

  8. I just found your site. What a great thing!

    I have a friend who has Celiac's, and it's so sad that, whenever we do anything, she either has to pay for it, or do without. I want to make it so that she can sit down and enjoy some goodies with us.

    I just tried to order the 'scratchdent' version of your book and, unfortunately, none are available. Guess I'll wait until the next time... even if it takes a year!

    I am going to bookmark this so that I can get back to it easily. Thank you so much for making the gluten-free life-style and recipes so easy to find. I'm glad I found this site first.

    Man, I wish someone would do this same thing for diabetics.

  9. Oh how I love papadums! If only I could find them GF in snack versions. I never have yet , but livie in hope!

  10. Dianne,
    I found some nice papadums there in the UK at Sainsburys and such. They were more "traditional" - round, crispy, crunchy nonetheless. That was what got my attention to start with. I kept the label so I could remember the brand, but after it laid around here for a few months, I must have discarded it. I meant to do a gluten-free product-review, but since they don't exist in the USA, I decided no too (most of my readers are here).

    Thanks for stopping by. Yes, those "scratch-n-dent" books go nearly as fast as I encounter them. I get the feeling a few people have been waiting for them. If you drop me an email (my first and last name without spaces between I can reply when I have one of those "seconds" available next. And, if anyone else wants on a "list", I guess I can start one :)

    Lynn B.,
    I hope you get a chance to try these. Though made from beans, they really don't taste like beans much. I too love most things bean. Another favorite I've been snacking on lately (healthy too) is fat-free refried pinto beans with lime/chile peppers. mmmmm!

  11. Mike.
    I'm a celiac and I must say I still get very emotional when I find sites like this one. I was diagnosed with Celiac about 6 years ago and I still struggle. Thank you so much for creating this site. And please add me to any email lists you have available. I will definetely be purchasing your book. Oh Ray is right the SEAL SAMA sauce is awesome!

  12. Hi Mike.
    First and foremost I would like to say thank you for having this site. I was diagnosed with "Celiac Disease" approximately 6 years ago & I still get emotional when I find informational sites like yours. I will definitely buy your book I am always looking for new recipes. I have a great cookie recipe I wouldn't mind sharing if you are interested. Please add me to your distribution list if you have one.

  13. Does anyone have a recipe for making these? I'll look at the major recipe sites, but I have a bag of garbanzo and fava flour (Bob's Red Mill) that my sent me just sitting, helplessly, in my fridge. I love anything I can dip into hummus (made w/lentils) and/or salsa!

  14. These are so very good. Some of the flavors are rather spicy. I think it was the mango version. Hooeee! Spicy!

  15. Many South Indian products that are made with rice flour and lentil flour can be good for the gluten-free. I especially like dosa, flat rice flour pancakes that go very well with curries or just as a snack with a little yoghurt.

  16. oh, and anonymous:

    You can make poppodoms yourself, but the traditional process is difficult - it requires them to be left for several days in the hot sun.

    There are mechanised ways of drying them, but I think they're mostly limited to commercial factories. The shop-bought hunt must continue, I'm afraid.

  17. Beth,
    Yeah, I read about the whole drying the papadums in the sun for days, and though "what are the odds the bugs, birds, and/or rain does not get them during that time" :)

  18. Exactly so, Mike. It works well on the equator, where you can reliably predict what month you'll have rain, but not so well in the temperate zones.

    Ah well, shop-bought it is.


  20. I found the best, authentic papads or papdums at or at


  21. I believe Baji's Papadums are no more. I have searched everywhere for them, and when I used to work @ Whole Foods in Massachusetts these things were my addiction!!! Does anyone know what happened to Baji's?
