Monday, November 19, 2007

Gluten-Free Multi-Grain Multi-Berry Crisp

Today's Gluten-Free Recipe is a Gluten-Free Multi-Grain Multi-Berry Crisp Recipe. There are actually two recipe variations, which I will discuss shortly. Either variation makes for a delicious gluten-free dessert.

This is a simple and quick to prepare gluten-free recipe featuring a combination of your favorite berries (in my case, this included a medley of blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries), coupled with a delightful, flavorful, and healthy gluten-free grains blend.

The first variation uses certified gluten-free oats as one of the grains of choice. If your gluten-free diet does not include such oats, then the second variation substitutes another grain instead. Both recipes use Quinoa Flakes, Flaxseed meal, and Buckwheat Groats (which ARE gluten-free, and add a nice toasted-grain flavor when baked).

Speaking of buckwheat, it seems there are still plenty of Celiacs out there, and others on a gluten-free diet, that are still receiving misinformation about buckwheat. I continue to encounter people that have not yet learned that Buckwheat is gluten free (as long as not contaminated with other gluten-containing grains) and appears in many commercial gluten-free products too. I'll be writing a detailed gluten-free blog article about buckwheat, why it is gluten-free, and a look at a few of my favorite buckwheat-containing commercial products, baking ingredients, and recipes too.

In the meantime, enjoy the Gluten-Free Berry Crisp Recipe (available on my free Gluten-Free Recipes Library site at that link)!

Last, if any of you are interested in my Gluten-Free Desserts book, I have decided to participate in the famed "Black Friday" with my own Gluten-Free Black Friday Sale this week. I'll post more about that tomorrow, but regardless, the sale will occur this Friday right after Thanksgiving 2007, as the Christmas 2007 holiday shopping season kicks off in full. I know people have been crunched with high gas prices, inflation in general, and so forth, so I will ease the burden on anyone shopping for gluten-free gifts - at least when it comes to cookbooks.

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing - I just bought some toasted buckwheat groats last week. They are nutty and de-lish!
