Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gluten-Free Biscotti and Scones Book

I have had quite a few people asking me about when our Gluten-Free Biscotti and Scones book would be available for purchase, and instead of continually responding to individual Emails regarding the status, I wanted to let everyone know what the plans are at this time.

I plan to make the content of the yet-unpublished Biscotti and Scones book available (when complete) for free on our website. It may be a while yet, but, in the mean-time, for those of you who don't know, we do have some free recipes online already for some wonderful breads, pizza crusts, waffles, and much more, over at our online Gluten-Free Recipes Library. Enjoy!


  1. Good for you Mike! You and the family amaze me...continued success in spreading your gluten free goodies!

  2. Thanks Lynn! I appreciate the kind words.

  3. so, Mike, when do you expect the biscotti cookbook to be ready? Can you give us an update?

  4. anonymous,
    I dare not give a date, as doing so is surely a way to make sure I miss it. I have been distracted with so many other things... my other varied pursuits lately have taken too much time. Hopefully, with Winter nearly here, the time spend in the kitchen will ramp back up and I will be able to work on the book more.

    I have a good start, if not nearly all recipes required to fill the book. But, that is just the first step... we have to re-bake and confirm each recipe (I always double or triple confirm, with the final baking-confirmation being right from the new book test-print, so as to make sure nothing was lost in transcription),... then I do "photo shoots",.. then I get it all assembled in Adobe InDesign (publishing software), and put out a quality book. As I type this list, I can't help thinking how much work it is! arhggh! :)
