Monday, July 16, 2007

Survey Results: Blood Tests and Urine Tests Comprehension and Interest

Survey Results: Understand Blood Tests and Urine Tests

Last week I posted a survey regarding how well everyone understands blood-test results, and how interested people would be in having me write about the details of blood-tests and other lab tests.

The results of the survey were as follows:
Survey Results: Understanding Blood and Urine Tests
It sure looks like enough people are interested in me writing about health-science topics in the future to merit attention. I'm looking forward to it, and plan to draw from my technical background a bit to explain as best I can some of the science behind test results and their pertinence to Celiac Disease and living Gluten-Free.

As time allows, I will try to spend it researching and writing a series of gluten-free blog articles in the future that address this demand for health-science topics. I want to provide proper references for all the information I'll post (i.e., I don't plan to post opinions, but rather I want to post scientific fact) wherever possible. I have started collecting online reference links I can use, and this is going to take me some time to assemble into anything coherent.

I may forget to always come back to this entry and make links to any science and medical news I post here, so please use the quick-search labels at the side of the blog.  Here are some articles that quickly emerged after this survey:

I'm looking forward to eventually posting all sorts of useful health-science blogs and articles in the future.

Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. I'm interested! Will be by to check for more info from time to time. I enjoy your blog. D
