Saturday, June 23, 2007

World-Wide Gluten-Free Bloggers Welcome

I just wanted to thank all the gluten-free bloggers from the United States and around the world for their contributions to the Gluten-Free News site. Although not everyone writes on a daily basis (including myself), between us we have plenty of information and stories to share with each other, including gluten-free product reviews, gluten-free recipes, event announcements, and recaps of our day-to-day lives living without gluten.

[UPDATE: My original Gluten-Free News Aggregator service has been phased out, as discussed in this blog entry, mainly due to the fact that most news-sources (i.e., other blogs) simply disappeared and/or became inactive over time.  Sorry.]

The latest gluten-free blog feed I just added comes from the other side of the world. Ange's blog entitled "Gluten-Free Victoria" is about Ange's experience following a Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Fructose-Free diet in the city of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. She has product reviews and more online that will be of help to fellow Australians and others around the globe.

If you are reading this, and have a gluten-free blog of your own that you would like to get the word out about and share with others, just let me know. I welcome gluten-free and Celiac (aka Coeliac) Disease bloggers from around the world to contribute their news and blog content via the Gluten-Free News Aggregation page. There are simple (I hope) instructions for how to setup a blog-feed for inclusion there (via link at top of page) if you need a bit of guidance.

I have noticed that summer-time in the USA tends to slow down some of the news-postings and blogging activity - presumably because we are all more likely to be enjoying the outdoors this time of year. This makes it even more wonderful having world-wide contributors, since places like Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America are currently experiencing their Winter and shorter daylight hours while we are out enjoying the Summer sun here. Globalization at its best!

Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. I'm glad you stopped by today. I haven't been to your blog before, but am always looking for new and yummy gf recipes! I'm from Cleveland too and am also enjoying our beautiful weather.
    Revolution Health contacted those bloggers personally to ask them to participate in the call. Check out their Celiac section and make yourself known and maybe they will contact you next time. They probably haven't come across your blog yet. Just give yourself a shout out and they'll find you.

  2. Chupie - nice to see a fellow Clevelander on here. Thanks for the info - I'll check out Revolution Health and partake in the CD forums.

  3. Chupie - I saw the post from Cindy (at Revolution) on your site and have sent her my contact information. Thanks for giving me the heads-up. Greatly appreciated!

  4. Hi Mike

    This aggregator is incredibly usefull for other bloggers. I use it nearly every day


  5. Dianne, I'm glad you are getting use out of it. It's also how I quickly make the rounds to new posts. I found that I was sort of haphazardly finding new posts in the past, and now I quickly get to everyone's latest info in a hurry. Hope you're having a wonderful summer in the UK!

  6. HaHa! We're having pretty good floods here at the moment


  7. Dianne, sorry to hear. It's been really dry here the past month or two. Too bad we can't just combine the two for a happy medium!

  8. Dear Mike:
    I read your blog from Spain every day. Now, I speak better english from the last time I spoke with you. I have a american teacher, called Marjorie. She is from USA. I´ll go the next month to spanish beachs with my family -I recommend you ours spanish southern beachs in summer-. I´ll try to read your blog, if my DSL connection works in the beach.
    And above all, hugs and kisses from Spain for you and your readers.
    And the last thing: Thanks your for your aggregator. I have a lot of american readers in my blog. I have a automatic traslator, but it´s better if you speak spanish (He, he). You are a great friend. Sure. And the next time, I promise you that I´ll speak (write) english better.
    Besos para todos desde EspaƱa,
    Ana, daughter (three) and husband (one) and it´s enought. Ha, ha.

  9. Ana,
    Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad others are finding your blog. I make it over to your site frequently, and first I try to read it in Spanish, and if I am unable to completely understand it, I "cheat" and use the translated version. But, that auto-translation isn't the most accurate thing in the world :)

    Enjoy your time at the beaches! That sounds great. Perhaps someday I'll make it there, as I'm sure I would enjoy it.
