Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gluten-Free Garlic, Pepper, and Herb Quinoa Recipe

Quinoa with Garlic, Pepper, and Herbs : Gluten-Free Dish

Quinoa: the wonderful Gluten-Free Grain

Another day, another recipe. I may have mentioned this dish before, since it is a favorite of mine. Simple to make, and should be "Safe" for not just gluten-free/celiac-disease folks, but also for the casein-free, corn-free crowd too.

Here's a link to the Gluten-Free Garlic, Pepper, and Herb Quinoa Recipe (as pictured above).

I like this quinoa dish both as a main course and as a delicious side dish. I have been wondering, in fact, whether or not this quinoa could be prepared as such and then used to stuff a turkey? I have created gluten-free quinoa-stuffed poblano peppers, so why not? I don't see why it would not work. Though, perhaps it is best to just serve this as a side-dish in place of stuffing and not worry about actually placing it inside a turkey - since there is probably little benefit other than perhaps keeping the turkey more moist and having some turkey flavor permeate the quinoa. Oh, just thinking as I type by gluten free entry of the day in my blog again.

For anyone that cares about the "healthfulness" of quinoa, I did a prior blog entry on quinoa
where I discuss the protein and fiber content and such. It really is an awesome gluten-free grain, and I have seen the grain gain more attention and popularity lately - even our latest issue of Cooking Light has a quinoa dish in it, which thrilled me.

Continue to read this Gluten-Free Blog for all sorts of gluten-free recipes, product-reviews, and related information. In addition, visit my Gluten-Free Recipes Site where many of the recipes I have featured on this blog are available.


  1. I've just discovered your blog via Gluten Free by the Bay! Very interesting reading


  2. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the kind words about my health concerns. I go to the Dr in a couple hours to talk about the angiogram.
    As for quinoa I tried it once and didn't like it, but I think I should give it another chance. I was under the impression it was in the corn family and that is another reason I didn't use it again. I read here you don't think it is. Very good. I love garlicy anything, so this seems like a dish I would enjoy as well.
    Take care, my friend.

  3. Bought some organic quinoa today. I am determined to be a quinoa lover...I will try your recipe. Thanks!

  4. I cook a lot of gluten free food at the health food store I work at, never tried quinoa, great idea, is it totally gluten free?

  5. chef erik,
    Yes indeed, quinoa is totally gluten-free, presuming it is uncontaminated by any other grains (with gluten) during processing or such. Quinoa grain is completely gluten-free, and you can certainly purchase brands like Ancient Harvest that certify theirs to be gluten-free / wheat-free (they probably run on separate equipment to be sure). Enjoy!
